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Current Medical & Early Admissions Student Experiences

Learn about how AMC founders prepared for and applied to medical school. Hear from an M2 at the University of Michigan and an admitted FlexMed student at the Icahn School of Medicine in Mt. Sinai, as they answer questions about how they went about applying to, interviewing at, and transitioning to medical school.

Mentorship in Medical School
Erin Kim Erin Kim

Mentorship in Medical School

From the first day of medical school, my school deans emphasized the importance of mentorship. At the time, I did not think much about their advice. But as I have progressed through medical school, I have come to realize more and more how impactful and valuable mentorship truly is.

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The Ethics of Free Clinics
Lisa Young Lisa Young

The Ethics of Free Clinics

The rising cost of healthcare and medications is both problematic and chronic. There is nothing ethical about price-gouging essential drugs or treatments, no matter the stance of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or pharmaceutical companies that these are needed to promote research and development. Yet student-run free clinics may not be the perfect solution either.

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